(3) ARRC Super Set PhotoBioModulation with RIFE Technology Sessions

(3) ARRC Super Set PhotoBioModulation with RIFE Technology Sessions
Specific health issues and organs are pulsed in a range of light Super Sets. This treatment exposed the body to a longer session using a wide range of RIFE Specific codes along with light technology to address health and recovery.
Bodycentre offers Invader Sets which allows us to program independent light sessions for Skin cancer, Hair Allopicia, Venous Insufficiency, Lyme Disease, Plastic Surgery Recovery, Fatty Liver, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis and RH, Fatigue, MS, Acute and General Pain, Neuropathy, Anxiety, Asthma, Alzheimers, HIV, Immune Boost, Depression, Detoxification, Cirrhosis, Acne, Vertigo, Epstein Barr, COVID Long Hauler, Visual Accuity, Energy Boost, Parkinsons, Solfeggio Scale Sciatica, Nogier Scale and Chakra Boost.
Bodycentre also has Imprinting Codes programmable treatments for General Tune-Up, Inflammation, Pain, Nerves, Muscles, Skeletal and Bones, Circulatory, Lungs, Liver, Teeth, Mood, Kidney/Bladder/Adrenal, Skin and Collagen Production, Brain, Male & Female Vitality and Hormone Production.